Wednesday, May 21, 2014

How to make your unicycle ride less tiring... for people with limited stamina.


My usual bicycle rides is about 6 hours. It is a typical leisure ride with many rest stops. I lack stamina but cycling has the benefits of multiple gears and coasting capability. I can pace myself through coasting and paddling thus avoiding using too much strength. I can ride half the island on each ride!

But I get tired quickly when riding the unicycle. My typical unicycle ride is only about 2 hours. Can't ride too far.

In order to ride longer on my unicycle, I have to find ways to make riding less tiring.

Here are a few methods that I personally find effective and practical.
  1. Sit in a relax manner and put most of your body weight on the seats/paddle while riding. In the past when I was learning to ride, I will tend to 'stand' on the paddle (to try to balance the body) and put most of my body weight on my legs, as a result my thighs will get tired quickly. So, try to shift your body weight from your legs to your bum.
  2. Adjust your seat heights so that you can extend your legs fully while paddling. I learn this from my bicycle rides.
  3. Pump your tyre to near max. psi indicated on your tyre. If the tyre is flat, the unicycle tyre will feel heavy and unwilling to roll and very tiring to ride. If you pump to max. the tyre will roll easily and you need lots of stamina to keep up with the increase in speed. I prefer to pump to about 80% of the max psi so that the tyre roll easily but the speed is not at its max. I can't handle high speed :)
  4. Do lots of warm-up and stretching before your ride.
  5. If your legs started to feel a burning sensation (building up of lactic acid) during your rides, take a rest so that the lactic acid can dispersed and won't build up and accumulate. But if you want to train for endurance, then ride on ...
  6. Drink isotonic / alkaline-based drink to counter the acid.
  7. Choose a flat land and avoid too much uphill.
  8. Avoid riding in the hot afternoon sun.
  9. If you are riding on pavement, use a thinner & smoother road tyre instead of fat, bulky off-roud, studded tyre.
  10. Switch to a bigger tyre e.g. from 20" to 24" to 100"
  11. Use a shorter crank.
  12. Take creatine drinks to increase stamina.
  13. Ride with attractive people from the opposite sex. They have the power to distract you from your body pain. And you will be motivated to impress them.
The ultimate solution -
Cool electric unicycle

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