Thursday, April 17, 2014

Terry's informative video on proper Protective riding gear

Different riding environment pose different kind of risk. You need different gears to protect different parts of your body. There are many good stuffs out there. You don't have to buy/wear all of them but at least be aware that they are available.

Terry's video will show you how you can protect yourself while unicycling.

For myself, I will wear high cut trekking shoe for ankle protection, knee guard, padded cycling shorts and baseball hat to prevent sweat/rain from going into my eyes (and to block sun glare). I will usually carry a pair of bikes gloves and soccer shin guard(the fear of pedal strike, once bitten twice shy) in my bag in case I need them. I don't wear helmet coz I am riding rather slowly and mostly at the neighborhood park.

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How time flies ... nowadays when I am fooling around on my unicycle at the store, I wear ... sandal ... and no protective gear. Lazy ... lazy ...

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