Saturday, March 1, 2014

How long does it take to learn to ride a unicycle?

Someone had done a poll on this. See

Based on the chart shown on the web page, it is quite safe to say that typically it is very possible to learn riding in less than 30 hours.

I spent more hours than the average people to learn. I believe it is due to the following reasons:
  • While learning to ride (practicing in the house), I was leaning to the wall, cupboard etc. Instead of learning to balance and center myself on the unicycle, I am tilting towards the side due to fear of falling. It would be wonderful if there was a coach or friend to hold on to while he/she walk alongside me, then I wouldn't be leaning to one side.
  • While practicing at the basketball court, the furthest distance that I could travel is the width of the court. I would fall if I tried to turn and ride the length of the court. My mind had the impression that I was unable to travel longer distance. But the fact is that I haven't master the skill of turning. I discover this when I went to practice at the park. Suddenly I could ride very long distance in a straight line without falling. I only fell when trying to make a turn!
  • The seats on my unicycle is hard as a brick, after less than half an hour on it, I would feel soreness. My mobility/flexibility became affected as I tried to avoid more pain to the crotch area. Talk about poor learning quality.
I believe if the above 3 problems were to be avoided, it is achievable for anyone to learn riding within 10 hours!

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