Sunday, March 23, 2014

I stopped the traffic ... again

I went for a unicycle ride at the park on a Wednesday afternoon last week, hoping to avoid any crowd and catching unwanted attention.

But still I get some incidental spectators whom included 4 cyclist, 3 park workers, a group of tourists and a group of students.

One of the cyclist asked if I had lost a wheel. Quite nice when stranger care to strike a conversation.

The 3 park workers were watching me practising free-mounting technique. They were standing at about a metre away from. Too close for my comfort. I offered them to try my unicycle but they did not take up the offer. No play during working hour for them???

I have no idea why the tourists visited the park. Maybe they are well-dressed local? But why are they taking pictures at the park?

The students were from a neighborhood school. They watched me ride down the hill, fall 3 times and climb back up 3 times, and when I finally ride up the hill on the other side, they clapped their hands and cheer me on. Very encouraging moment.

I am still not used to getting the attention from strangers but I am slowly beginning to feel comfortable entertaining the crowd.


I can still remember the time when I would fall whenever I ride over the road humps at the park. After weeks and weeks of riding, I overcame this obstacle!

At one time there was a park worker who screamed at me as I was approaching the road hump, hoping to give me a good scare and causing a big fall... and a good laugh after that.

But like what I have said, I have overcome this obstacle and thus deny that idiot a good laugh.

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