Monday, March 10, 2014

How to learn turning direction while riding a unicyle?

I learn to ride the unicycle at a street soccer court, a basketball court or a small multi-purpose court while outdoor.

Initially my plan is to:
(1) learn to ride (whatever distance or direction) and try my best to stay on the unicycle without falling off for as long as possible, then 
(2)learn to ride in a straight line, and after that 
(3)learn to turn direction.

While practicing (1) at the small multi-purpose court I tried to stay within the court. I can't control the direction of my riding since I was still at the very beginning stage. But whenever I was about to ride out of the court, I would try whatever to turn direction and stay within the court. Most of the time I would fall. 

A few sessions later, I "suddenly" realized that I had been successfully turning right and left in order to stay within the court. My conscious mind is not aware that I am able to turn direction. I had not consciously and purposely tried to learn to turn direction.

My conclusion is that the body can learn new skill and adapt to a new situation (for survival?) without the conscious mind knowing it. 

So, I don't have many tips in this area other than stretching out your arm fully and imagine you are hugging a big KFC bucket while riding. If you want to turn left, then turn your shoulder to the left and imagine that you are going to carry the giant KFC bucket to the left. 
Continue riding and don't slow down. Maintain a reasonable speed before you enter the turn and during the turn. Don't slow down coz u will lose your momentum and fall.

There might be better learning methods out there but I really don't know coz I never intentionally practice on how to turn direction.

You might want to do some research at

Have fun and stay safe!

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